Can I cancel my order?

Unfortunately, we are not able to cancel an order once it has been placed.

I put the wrong address in my order confirmation, what should I do?

Please be careful when entering your shipping address, Teck Cloud will not be responsible for orders sent to the incorrect delivery address provided by the customer.

How can I check the status of my order?

Once your order has been fulfilled, you will receive an email with your tracking information. You can track the progress of your order here.

Where are your products shipped from?

Our products are shipped directly from our suppliers located in various countries around the world. This allows us to offer a wide range of unique and innovative products at competitive prices.

What is your refund policy?

We have a 30-day refund policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a return within 30 days of receiving the item. Please refer to our refund policy for detailed instructions on how to initiate a return.

Can I return a product if it is damaged or defective?

Yes, if you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact us immediately. We will evaluate the issue and make it right by either providing a replacement or issuing a refund.

How long does it take to process a refund?

Once we have received and inspected your return, we will notify you about the approval of your refund. If approved, the refund will be automatically issued to your original payment method within 10 business days. Please note that it may take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund. You can view our refund policy here.

Can I exchange a product for a different one?

Yes, if you would like to exchange a product for a different one, the fastest way is to return the item you have and make a separate purchase for the new item. This ensures that you get the desired product as quickly as possible.

How long does shipping take?

The shipping time varies depending on the product and the destination. Generally, it takes between 7 to 20 business days for the product to be delivered. However, please note that due to factors beyond our control, such as customs clearance and postal delays, shipping times may be longer in some cases.

I contacted your customer service team, when should I expect a response?

We respond to all emails as soon as possible. Our goal is to respond to all customers within 24 hours, however we often experience delays over the weekend and during peak times.